Friday 5 December 2014

Dialogue: Divide and Conquer

Student: What if the trumpet blows for everyone but individually..... Like at their time of death
Rabbi: It definitely does
Rabbi: But why not a violin playing?
Rabbi: Why must it be a trumpet?
Student: Beats me
Student: Maybe because a violin would lure the spirit to sleep
Rabbi: So you see?
Rabbi: It’s got to be symbolic
Rabbi: Not literal
Student: Hehe
Student: A trumpet was a sound of call
Student: So, the sound of the trumpet was and is a call home
Rabbi: Yea
Rabbi: A call
Student: Yup
Student: It's just beautiful
Student: The bible is so poetic n beautiful
Student: Only the Holy Spirit can reveal its depth to us
Rabbi: What is?
Rabbi: Yea

Student: Another thought
Student: I think the devil is clever
Student: He's currently using the rule of Divide and conquer
Rabbi: Explain
Student: Divide the Family..... Conquer the Church
Rabbi: I would say, twist the truth and conquer
Student: Have you noticed how Families are breaking up.... Rate of divorce is high, relationships breaking,
Student: How can a church stand if there's division in its smallest unit?
Rabbi: the devil is fighting not just the church
Rabbi: But the whole humanity
Rabbi: Yester night I decided to pray for the whole earth
Rabbi: it was deep and earnest
Student: Ye are the salt of the world
Rabbi: And I was attacked in the dream
Student: Destroy the salt.... Soup spoils
Rabbi: it was like my room was invaded
Rabbi: Humanity has an enemy
Student: Dang
Rabbi: One who will fight and fight
Student: Humanity has always had
Rabbi: Yea
Rabbi: And will never give up
Rabbi: The surest way to defeat humanity
Rabbi: Is to pervert the truth
Rabbi: And it is written
Student: You see my divide and conquer postulate
Rabbi: My people perish because of ignorance
Rabbi: and Christ said ye shall know the truth
And it shall set u free
Rabbi: That's why truth is fought
Student: Ruin families, split the church..... No salt to preserve the earth n the maggots creep in
Student: Yea..... Truth is under serious pummelling
Student: Every twist n turn has the truth under serious asphyxiation
Rabbi: We have gone all the way back to the very thing Jesus came to deliver us from; the law
Rabbi: Its now "the bible says"
Rabbi: Or
Rabbi: "The bible doesn't say"
Rabbi: Rules upon rules
Student: Yes
Rabbi: in the prophecy of Isaiah
Rabbi: God said: I will write my law upon their hearts
Rabbi: Jesus came to fulfil that
Rabbi: Love
Rabbi: With love, there is no law
Rabbi: in the words of Paul; "Against such, there is no law"
Rabbi: In people's hearts, no love
Rabbi: Do's and don'ts
Rabbi: Talk now, they'll scream and defend the law:
Rabbi: Just like the Pharisees
Rabbi: They call you a blasphemer

Student: True
Rabbi: But who was the greatest blasphemer in the bible? Rabbi: JESUS
Rabbi: He blasphemed so much
Rabbi: It got him killed
Rabbi: And anyway
Rabbi: Just look at the church
Rabbi: It’s obvious
Rabbi: We are missing something very fundamental
Rabbi: That's why
Student: Ride on
Rabbi: It has to be turned upside down
Rabbi: Completely revolutionized
Rabbi: By men who have grasped the true essence Of the Jesus gospel and the heart?

Student: I actually have found it funny how men, Christians are no different from the Pharisees

Friday 28 November 2014

Dialogue: Love Finale

Shrink: You work in an office that has many beautiful girls. You are not a womanizer so you aren't really jumping into bed with them. You have worked for 3 months and then you begin to notice one girl. Not even among the top 5 cutest in the office but...there is something about her. 6 months, and you think if there are angels in existence, she must surely be one. 1 year you get married and you have no regrets. Question: why wasn't it any of the other girls you fell for?
Shrink: They are finer, sexier and not bad at all in character. But you fell for this particular one. Why?
Friend: The heart knows what it wants.... Where it finds comfort       
Shrink: Now that's deep
Shrink: But let's try to think about it
Shrink: Why?
Shrink: What are the possible factors?

Friend: That’s the funny thing about love.... It's not logic.... It's metaphysical
Shrink: Haha! Now you are funny! You are right though. Tell that to all the people who claim to be in love

Friend: There’s a part of us...we don't experience it every day.... It's like the CEO you don't see everyday..... It knows what it wants n when situations rise above the normal mind staffs.... It steps in
                Friend: How can there b so many beautiful houses in the city, but you experience great peace in your grandmother's hut

Shrink: Friend, have you met the love of your life?
Shrink: You sound like you have!
Shrink: because that example captured the feeling perfectly!
Friend: I know about love because I think a lot
Friend: I am currently single
Friend: I can love anyone I want
Friend: A friend of mine said it's like I have life figured out
Shrink: You sound like you do
Shrink: Well I have met the love of my life
Shrink: I have known for 4 years
Shrink: And the grandmother's hut description fits it exactly
Shrink: That's why I exclaimed!
Shrink: You spoke like a man with experience!

Friend: the thing is truthfully, the heart is more comfortable with simplicity than anything else
Friend: Working with children has opened up life to me..... I have understood the world through their eyes
Shrink: You impress me, Friend. But I wonder how far you can go. What can you do for love? (Agape)
Friend: I can point a gun at anyone who tries to hurt them
Friend: But I tend to b able to understand people
Friend: At that point I understand a person.... I tend to love them.... Normal love
Shrink: Apart from your life, can you give up everything you hold so dear, for love?
Friend: Only if the person is ready to do the same
Shrink: GOOD.
Shrink: You have landed exactly where I was hoping to take you to.
Shrink: You see, that's the difference between Eros and agape.

Friend: Did you just shrink me?
Friend: Jeez..... You're good
Shrink: Agape gives everything and wants nothing in return. While Eros gives everything and wants everything in return!
Shrink: Both are beautiful
Shrink: And true Eros always coexists with agape
Friend: That’s why I said they work in tandem
Shrink: Agape is the foundation of Eros
Friend: I am ready to give everything expecting nothing..... But I like to have that foreknowledge the person would do the same
Shrink: And you were absolutely right
Shrink: Good
Shrink: That's true Eros
Shrink: But in agape, the mark is
Shrink: Give all, expect nothing
Friend: Like God..... He has given us his all....but you need to seek him with all your heart to find him..... You must give your life, your entirety to him
                        Friend: Give all, expect nothing..... But know that the person would do the same..... Agape in Eros m Eros in Agape..... That's perfect Love.... N it's beautiful
Shrink: Yes we must give our hearts to him. But imagine someone who hasn't and doesn't want to. Does God still love him?
               Friend: Yes he does
Shrink: Good
Shrink: Now let's go to Jesus
Friend: Does that Love the person to heaven?
Shrink: Note a few things about the agape he taught
Shrink: One, love all. Unless, you are like the scribes and Pharisees. So you see, agape is not selective by nature. But Eros by nature is.
               Friend: My love n life are based on the principles of Christ's teaching
Shrink: Two, the Father like the sun shines down on good and evil. Again, not selective
               Friend: Now..... You are talking about general Love
Shrink: Three, give, Jesus said. And expect nothing in return.
               Friend: When it's general to all..... Agape is applied
Shrink: So agape EXPECTS nothing in return
               Friend: When it's to a particular person..... Agape n Eros work hand in hand
Shrink: You are correct
Friend: We my Brother are saying the same thing
Shrink: Yes we are
Friend: Okay
Friend: Whewww

Monday 24 November 2014

Dialogue: Other view

.......continued from last post 
Friend: First.... People mistake Feelings for love
Friend: It’s not Love that is overrated.... It's feelings
Friend: Feelings is like that initial spark of a fire.... It burns bright n loud.... Passion is raw... A sense of adventure is born
Shrink: I need excessive details
Friend: Love is the second thing, you talked about..... The sustenance
Friend: To understand Love.... People need to have knowledge of God
Friend: While feelings bring, jealousy.... Love brings understanding
Friend: Feelings bring possessiveness..... Love brings acceptance
Friend: It’s like giving a child a new toy.... He's engrossed in it for the first few days until that initial spark dies and he goes back to that old constant toy
Friend: Feelings bring manipulation.... Love brings Sacrifice
Friend: Feelings is about what I stand to get..... Love is about sacrifice.... What the other person stands to gain
Shrink: You are absolutely right
Shrink: For me, that thing people call love, I no longer see as love
Shrink: I see it as child's play
Shrink: And when I said "love" is overrated
Shrink: I was referring to that "thing" that THEY call love
Shrink: Now I have experienced what you described
Shrink: But in my case its so deep
Shrink: That I fear
Shrink: That if this is the real love
Shrink: Then there is no love in this world

Friend: There is.... But our generation is a jet age.... Fast cars, fast foods, fast birth, fast death, fast love
Friend: Love is too deep to b fast.... Deeper than an ocean
Friend: That’s why the bible says, love is patient...... You must be patient to transit from feelings to Love

Shrink: Hmmmm
Shrink: The standard is very high
Shrink: The standard of both Eros and agape
Shrink: I believe one can only prove love 20years after marriage
Friend: Yup

Shrink: When you wake up and thank God that she is the one

Friend: Yea

Shrink: Every morning
Shrink: Till then, hard to tell
      Friend: Love is not ignoring the person's law, it's accepting it, understanding it n loving the flaw as much as the good side
Friend: I mirror what God does to me into the definition of love
Friend: He knows my flaws n frailties n he accepts me like that
Friend: I err continuously but he never gets tired of me
 Shrink: Hmmm. What's the difference between Eros and agape?
Friend: Eros is the romantic aspect of love
Friend: Agape is the brotherly.... Acceptability part of it
Friend: You need both for a relationship to work..... They work in tandem.... Two heads beta than one philosophy
Shrink: Making sense
Shrink: A question
Shrink: Can you have Eros for everybody?
Shrink: Or can one have
Shrink: Cos it’s not a personal question
Friend: Eros is a wide fire that needs taming
Friend: Man is adventurous
Friend: Explore new ground n all
Friend: But if Eros is tamed.... Centralized on just one individual..... Like a knife edge
Friend: You know the drill

Friend: Love is a Journey rather than a destination

to be continued.........