Friday, 28 November 2014

Dialogue: Love Finale

Shrink: You work in an office that has many beautiful girls. You are not a womanizer so you aren't really jumping into bed with them. You have worked for 3 months and then you begin to notice one girl. Not even among the top 5 cutest in the office but...there is something about her. 6 months, and you think if there are angels in existence, she must surely be one. 1 year you get married and you have no regrets. Question: why wasn't it any of the other girls you fell for?
Shrink: They are finer, sexier and not bad at all in character. But you fell for this particular one. Why?
Friend: The heart knows what it wants.... Where it finds comfort       
Shrink: Now that's deep
Shrink: But let's try to think about it
Shrink: Why?
Shrink: What are the possible factors?

Friend: That’s the funny thing about love.... It's not logic.... It's metaphysical
Shrink: Haha! Now you are funny! You are right though. Tell that to all the people who claim to be in love

Friend: There’s a part of us...we don't experience it every day.... It's like the CEO you don't see everyday..... It knows what it wants n when situations rise above the normal mind staffs.... It steps in
                Friend: How can there b so many beautiful houses in the city, but you experience great peace in your grandmother's hut

Shrink: Friend, have you met the love of your life?
Shrink: You sound like you have!
Shrink: because that example captured the feeling perfectly!
Friend: I know about love because I think a lot
Friend: I am currently single
Friend: I can love anyone I want
Friend: A friend of mine said it's like I have life figured out
Shrink: You sound like you do
Shrink: Well I have met the love of my life
Shrink: I have known for 4 years
Shrink: And the grandmother's hut description fits it exactly
Shrink: That's why I exclaimed!
Shrink: You spoke like a man with experience!

Friend: the thing is truthfully, the heart is more comfortable with simplicity than anything else
Friend: Working with children has opened up life to me..... I have understood the world through their eyes
Shrink: You impress me, Friend. But I wonder how far you can go. What can you do for love? (Agape)
Friend: I can point a gun at anyone who tries to hurt them
Friend: But I tend to b able to understand people
Friend: At that point I understand a person.... I tend to love them.... Normal love
Shrink: Apart from your life, can you give up everything you hold so dear, for love?
Friend: Only if the person is ready to do the same
Shrink: GOOD.
Shrink: You have landed exactly where I was hoping to take you to.
Shrink: You see, that's the difference between Eros and agape.

Friend: Did you just shrink me?
Friend: Jeez..... You're good
Shrink: Agape gives everything and wants nothing in return. While Eros gives everything and wants everything in return!
Shrink: Both are beautiful
Shrink: And true Eros always coexists with agape
Friend: That’s why I said they work in tandem
Shrink: Agape is the foundation of Eros
Friend: I am ready to give everything expecting nothing..... But I like to have that foreknowledge the person would do the same
Shrink: And you were absolutely right
Shrink: Good
Shrink: That's true Eros
Shrink: But in agape, the mark is
Shrink: Give all, expect nothing
Friend: Like God..... He has given us his all....but you need to seek him with all your heart to find him..... You must give your life, your entirety to him
                        Friend: Give all, expect nothing..... But know that the person would do the same..... Agape in Eros m Eros in Agape..... That's perfect Love.... N it's beautiful
Shrink: Yes we must give our hearts to him. But imagine someone who hasn't and doesn't want to. Does God still love him?
               Friend: Yes he does
Shrink: Good
Shrink: Now let's go to Jesus
Friend: Does that Love the person to heaven?
Shrink: Note a few things about the agape he taught
Shrink: One, love all. Unless, you are like the scribes and Pharisees. So you see, agape is not selective by nature. But Eros by nature is.
               Friend: My love n life are based on the principles of Christ's teaching
Shrink: Two, the Father like the sun shines down on good and evil. Again, not selective
               Friend: Now..... You are talking about general Love
Shrink: Three, give, Jesus said. And expect nothing in return.
               Friend: When it's general to all..... Agape is applied
Shrink: So agape EXPECTS nothing in return
               Friend: When it's to a particular person..... Agape n Eros work hand in hand
Shrink: You are correct
Friend: We my Brother are saying the same thing
Shrink: Yes we are
Friend: Okay
Friend: Whewww

Monday, 24 November 2014

Dialogue: Other view

.......continued from last post 
Friend: First.... People mistake Feelings for love
Friend: It’s not Love that is overrated.... It's feelings
Friend: Feelings is like that initial spark of a fire.... It burns bright n loud.... Passion is raw... A sense of adventure is born
Shrink: I need excessive details
Friend: Love is the second thing, you talked about..... The sustenance
Friend: To understand Love.... People need to have knowledge of God
Friend: While feelings bring, jealousy.... Love brings understanding
Friend: Feelings bring possessiveness..... Love brings acceptance
Friend: It’s like giving a child a new toy.... He's engrossed in it for the first few days until that initial spark dies and he goes back to that old constant toy
Friend: Feelings bring manipulation.... Love brings Sacrifice
Friend: Feelings is about what I stand to get..... Love is about sacrifice.... What the other person stands to gain
Shrink: You are absolutely right
Shrink: For me, that thing people call love, I no longer see as love
Shrink: I see it as child's play
Shrink: And when I said "love" is overrated
Shrink: I was referring to that "thing" that THEY call love
Shrink: Now I have experienced what you described
Shrink: But in my case its so deep
Shrink: That I fear
Shrink: That if this is the real love
Shrink: Then there is no love in this world

Friend: There is.... But our generation is a jet age.... Fast cars, fast foods, fast birth, fast death, fast love
Friend: Love is too deep to b fast.... Deeper than an ocean
Friend: That’s why the bible says, love is patient...... You must be patient to transit from feelings to Love

Shrink: Hmmmm
Shrink: The standard is very high
Shrink: The standard of both Eros and agape
Shrink: I believe one can only prove love 20years after marriage
Friend: Yup

Shrink: When you wake up and thank God that she is the one

Friend: Yea

Shrink: Every morning
Shrink: Till then, hard to tell
      Friend: Love is not ignoring the person's law, it's accepting it, understanding it n loving the flaw as much as the good side
Friend: I mirror what God does to me into the definition of love
Friend: He knows my flaws n frailties n he accepts me like that
Friend: I err continuously but he never gets tired of me
 Shrink: Hmmm. What's the difference between Eros and agape?
Friend: Eros is the romantic aspect of love
Friend: Agape is the brotherly.... Acceptability part of it
Friend: You need both for a relationship to work..... They work in tandem.... Two heads beta than one philosophy
Shrink: Making sense
Shrink: A question
Shrink: Can you have Eros for everybody?
Shrink: Or can one have
Shrink: Cos it’s not a personal question
Friend: Eros is a wide fire that needs taming
Friend: Man is adventurous
Friend: Explore new ground n all
Friend: But if Eros is tamed.... Centralized on just one individual..... Like a knife edge
Friend: You know the drill

Friend: Love is a Journey rather than a destination

to be continued.........

Thursday, 13 November 2014


                       Friend: So, you think Love is overrated?
Shrink: Yes
Shrink: I do
Shrink: I didn't think so before
Shrink: But now I do
Shrink: Lol
Friend: why
Shrink: I can still fall in love and be romantic

Friend: Oh.... Tell me your love story
Friend: What happened?
Shrink: Hahaha
Shrink: Biko no love story
Shrink: But I have points
Shrink: And reasons why I think so

Friend: Point me to the reasons

Shrink: Lol
Shrink: First, look at all the relationships with people claiming to be in love
Shrink: If love were the most important thing
Shrink: It is these ones that should last
Shrink: The relationships that have so much passion
Shrink: Tend to crash faster
Shrink: Because along with love
Shrink: Comes jealousy, possessiveness and manipulation
Shrink: Suspiciousness and all sorts
Shrink: But people who are less possessive aren't prone to jealousy and much suspiciousness
Shrink: And aren't that high on emotion
Shrink: They have this stable acceptance and "loving"
Shrink: They don't go about putting it in people's faces
Shrink: That's maturity

Friend: Okay
Shrink: So
Shrink: There is something that makes relationships work
Shrink: It’s something deeper than love
Shrink: But first, people don't have an idea what it is
Shrink: Secondly, there is something deeper that's needed
Shrink: Which is what I have tried to describe
Shrink: So that's it
Friend: You got me glued to my seat.... Keep it on
Shrink: Hahaha
Shrink: No be me pour glue for your seat oh
Shrink: Biko

Friend: Now, my view
Shrink: Oh great

Shrink: Let's hear

to be continued.........

Friday, 7 November 2014


I am not going to claim to have life all figured out. Life in itself is a journey and not necessarily a destination.

I will not tell you how to live your life. My life and yours are different. I can only give a guide from my experiences.

Live life on the edge and gain knowledge. Do not be afraid or too cautious in living. Make mistakes, do not avoid them, for our greatest moments are forged from them.

Be happy, worry less, laugh more with reckless abandon, love whole heartedly. Accept challenges, they make you stronger, make new friends, settle disputes quickly. Quarrels can not be avoided if we are to know each other better. Do not let the err of others be a permanent stain in your heart.

You are greater than you see yourself, strive daily to see that greatness and work/walk towards it. Push yourself to the limit, you will find out there really is no limit. Life is just elastic like that.

In all, I beg you, Live and do not just exist. In the end you are accountable to yourself and your creator. Love God with all your heart and you are on your way to been alright.