Thursday, 13 November 2014


                       Friend: So, you think Love is overrated?
Shrink: Yes
Shrink: I do
Shrink: I didn't think so before
Shrink: But now I do
Shrink: Lol
Friend: why
Shrink: I can still fall in love and be romantic

Friend: Oh.... Tell me your love story
Friend: What happened?
Shrink: Hahaha
Shrink: Biko no love story
Shrink: But I have points
Shrink: And reasons why I think so

Friend: Point me to the reasons

Shrink: Lol
Shrink: First, look at all the relationships with people claiming to be in love
Shrink: If love were the most important thing
Shrink: It is these ones that should last
Shrink: The relationships that have so much passion
Shrink: Tend to crash faster
Shrink: Because along with love
Shrink: Comes jealousy, possessiveness and manipulation
Shrink: Suspiciousness and all sorts
Shrink: But people who are less possessive aren't prone to jealousy and much suspiciousness
Shrink: And aren't that high on emotion
Shrink: They have this stable acceptance and "loving"
Shrink: They don't go about putting it in people's faces
Shrink: That's maturity

Friend: Okay
Shrink: So
Shrink: There is something that makes relationships work
Shrink: It’s something deeper than love
Shrink: But first, people don't have an idea what it is
Shrink: Secondly, there is something deeper that's needed
Shrink: Which is what I have tried to describe
Shrink: So that's it
Friend: You got me glued to my seat.... Keep it on
Shrink: Hahaha
Shrink: No be me pour glue for your seat oh
Shrink: Biko

Friend: Now, my view
Shrink: Oh great

Shrink: Let's hear

to be continued.........

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